Free Garden Shredder Demo
When we arrive at your property we’ll come to introduce ourselves and explain to you what will happen in the demo.
Then we’ll unload the machine and take it into the garden when the demo will take place. We’ll set up the machine, explaining as we go and put down a clean up and collection sheet.
We will then spend time looking at the garden and talking with the you to find out what you are looking to accomplish with the machine and then with all this information we can then guide you to the correct size machine for your garden.
We will talk you through the machine showing you the internal working mechanism and how the machine works. We show you how to start & run the engine and how best to operate the machine.
We will then talk about personal protection and what works best in our experience for working outdoors with the machine and how to marshal materials ready for processing to make infeed as speedy as possible. At this point we will start the machine and will pass some of you waste into the machine showing you a good cross section of materials going into the machine and how best to accomplish a continuous through put in and out. We then go onto to show them how by changing the gradient screens around we can change material size output for different uses. At this point we will let you join in and have a go so they get a feel for how it works.
All that is left to do then is clean up, reload machine onto the van and talk to you to see if it fits the bill & whether you would like to order. We do not believe in hard selling, the machine speaks for itself!
All this takes between 1-1.5 hours.